SANTIAGO, CHILE: Joint Statement of Subversive and Revolutionary Prisoners in Support of Comrade Luciano Pritonello

This text was written before Luciano entered into the health division of ‘Santiago Uno’ maximum security prison. Its delay in being published is due to the collaboration of various imprisoned comrades under the $hilean State in various prisons, thereby making it difficult to edit and distribute.
To the ample and diffuse revolutionary and subversive spectrum:

We, as combatants of freedom from within various extermination centres have united our words in order to overcome the isolation with which Power uses to silence us; so that our united gestures are met by those comrades that have never taken a step back in confronting the enemy. This incentive has the objective of breaking the logic of those that sustain democracy; those whom use their citizen’s morale seek to isolate comrades to relegate them into oblivion. However we are not afraid and raise our voices to send much strength and love to our comrade Lucian Pitronello, whom was gravely injured during the early morning events of June 1st last year.
We are not interested in the guilty or innocent dilemma, our language is not of the elite, since we do not recognize anyone who seeks revenge on our decisions, except for ourselves within the movement. Our responsibility is not to judge, we assume the political responsibility unto our comrades in struggle, which have nothing to do with their laws.
It is through centuries of repression and exploitation throughout history that various expressions of resistance have risen and confronted the oppressors. In $hile, there have been libertarian and autonomous expressions since the beginning of the 20th Century that continue today. Today under a democratic regime, inherited from the military dictatorship of the tyrant, Pinochet, revolutionary/subversive struggle continues and takes new strength. For many years organization such as day-long distribution of leaflets/materials, meetings, gatherings publications etc were becoming more and more frequent, as with the forms of struggle that would begin to break the false peace of the oppressors. Anonymous hands began to continuously attack material symbols of Power, with explosions, fires or arsons. These attacks began to take notoriety since 2004, but have been the continuation of an offensive resistance that militants of political/military organizations (such as the MIR, FPMR, MJL) decided to continue through the transition from dictatorship to democracy: this time organized horizontally, with affinity and informality.
Autonomous Mapuche, okupas (squatters), anarchists, ex-political prisoners and now insurrectionary student youth are the enemy of Power that they are trying to annihilate. The oppressors have marked their path of repression through the outlets of mass media (dis)information, as they have sadistically made fun of the painful accident that Luciano faced. All of this under the so-called Antiterrorist campaign, but they will not be able to stop us. For Power, any person or collective that intends to subvert the established order is categorized as a terrorist, not for the violence that may be used, but because of their conviction and decision to struggle. For us the only terrorist is Power, the State and Capital, since terrorism seeks to create indiscriminate fear in society, as they are the ones that have the capacity and resources to impose themselves over all oppressed people. Power had already celebrated the unfortunate loss of our beloved anarchist comrade, Mauricio Morales, in not only celebrating his accident but in also banning all his friends and comrades in struggle, and joins the long list of combatants that have fallen in the struggle against oppression. This is especially the reason why it is necessary to support our comrade now that he is kidnapped under similar circumstances.
We recognize our difference as individuals, but this is no limit to recognizing ourselves as comrades of struggle, even if we do not know each other personally, our love for freedom is what unites us and our differences make us stronger. This is the reason why we call out in solidarity with our comrade Luciano “Tortuga.” To not fall in the fear that Power imposes upon us to isolate him. The fact that an anarchist comrade has fallen wounded, is imprisoned and is confronting a judicial process is enough reason for support him and to not leave him alone. We will not sit quietly while they make this tragedy into a spectacle, showing their clear vengeance against who they see as a visible target after years of resistance and antiauthoritarian offensive. We also will not forget the support that political prisoners had received in years past; those who had been convicted of political executions, expropriations or explosive attacks, did not stop those who supported the mobilizations and finally allowed these comrades to walk free again, as a valuable example of struggle. May these words of Love and freedom trespass the walls and the fences so they may reach Luciano and his close ones in this difficult moment. Comrade, our thoughts are with you. We send you our strength so that you may be strong unto the enemy, because in this social struggle no one is alone; we will make solidarity our best weapon. With all our fallen comrades in combat in our memory, for them the best homage is to continue the struggle. Combatant youth: permanent insurrection. May the historic memory burry those who condemn the offensive step against Power! While misery exists, there will be rebellion!! Towards Total Liberation!!
P.S. Luciano was charged on November 22nd, 2011 for “placing an explosive device” and for “falsification of a licence,” as other fire bombs are being investigated. eIn the hearing he was taken to pre-trial custody during the investigation for 70 days. Luciano is in the maximum security prison known as “Santiago Uno,” and needs special and constant medical treatment which is currently at the sole disposition, will and temper of the prison police guards, where they hold full responsibility of our comrade’s health so it may not worsen. [Luciano suffers from third degree burns in most of his body, the loss of a hand and three fingers, and partial hearing and vision loss due to the explosion].
Marcelo Villaroel, Juan Aliste Vega Fuentevilla Zermen, Elias Cristobal Franke, ‘Mono’ Gonzalez Zapata, Esteban Huiniguir, Miguel Sanchez, JuanTapia Olivares, Alberto Olivares Fuenzalida
Distributed by:
The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]